Monday, February 7, 2011


I knew from Mario that Tim had done an interview with Noell Hyman with and that my projects were featured...but WOW!!...didn't expect this! THANK YOU once again Tim!! And a BIG Thank You to Noell Hyman as well!!!

Have a super week!



  1. Well deserved Laura ! Your pieces are amazing.
    Peggy from Paris, France

  2. Congats Laura!! Your talent is through the roof!!

  3. Laura
    You 'flipped his world upside down'!!!!!
    Congratulations -You go girl!!!!!

    Bev aka AuntClara

  4. WOW... Amazing.. Cute... & wonderful... You, your works & Tim... I love you!?!?
    Barbara from Milan, Italy

  5. I left a comment when you showed them they were stunning but...
    When the "Master" pays you a compliment like have to be floating on a cloud Laura!

  6. OMG! Did you just Faint? I would have...congrats!

  7. Wow, Laura. I think Tim is in love with you. Your projects blew his mind, Have a feeling you will be doing a lot of design work for him.
    But don't forget us...LOL CONGRATULATIONS Gal.

  8. WOW...!!! Such great compliments from Tim..!!! And, you so deserve it...!!!

  9. Brilliant Laura!! So well deserved though - your ideas are truly "outside the box" and inspirational!

  10. WOW Laura what a huge honor! It is so awesome to have your work appreciated by such a talented person as Tim!

    But really, your projects are mind blowing so it doesn't surprise me at all that they blew his mind as well!


  11. Never doubted for a moment that your projects would wow. He is such a great guy to make sure you got all the credit you deserved. Love him and his creativity, but I have to say that I love to make the projects that you create even more.

  12. You are sooooo talented!! that suitcase blew my mind!!

  13. You...blew...him...away!!! Just like we all knew you would! Exciting!!!

  14. yes, I knew and told you in my last comment that Tim must have been very surprised when he saw the way you used his boxes... regular people (like me) see things in 3D, but designers like you and Tim see the 4th dimension, that is a gift...
    and Noel Hymann is a sweat heart, I always watch her CHA videos.

  15. Congratulations Laura!!! You are so deserving of the praise!

  16. Tim couldn't have said it better - thank you so much for sharing your talent - you truly are an amazing woman!

  17. You couldn't have paid for any better advertising. The praise for your design work is well deserved - your projects are incredible.

  18. How wonderful that our beloved Tim was SO IMPRESSED with your work. He now knows what we look forward to each week :) Again, congratulations... and thanks for sharing your gift with all of us!

  19. June-Marie (mermaid49)February 7, 2011 at 1:31 PM

    WOW....I am so proud you must be and rightfully so, as we are all so proud of you and the recognition of your talent...woohoo

  20. Laura, I had tears in my eyes while watching this! Such amazing work and talent that you have and for Tim to not only recognize it but want to shout it out to everyone.

    Congratulations on your success and for so loving taking your time to share your talents with all of us.

  21. Laura your work is just awesome!! Tim should have been hornored to have your work at his booth!! You're very talented and deserves all the praise!!! Thanks for sharing you spectacular work!!!

  22. Way to go Laura!!! Congrats!!! You totally deserved all the compliments from Tim. Afterall, you did a great job. And to have him presenting all your stuff... that's huge.

  23. This is awesome Laura! You must be giddy!! I can't say I'm surprised. Just hearing him describe what you actually did to make the projects was amazing. You truly do think out of the box!

  24. WOW WOW WOW that is so cool. That rocks

  25. Wow! Congrats. I love that Tim said he would never have thought of that. I bet you can be looking for another offer to design for him real soon. You know summer CHA is next!
    Hopefully you will have a little more notice next time. Not that you need it.

    They are incredible.

  26. We have been telling you you are Great! Did you think we were kidding? You are one of a kind,I'm so happy for you.

  27. Hi Laura - Woo woo ... Tim Holtz called you GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations.

  28. WOW!!!!! Laure we already knew you were a GENIUS!!!! now TIM, has realized your talent. AWESOME XX

  29. ohhh Laura I am soooo happy for you....I too!

  30. Soooooo wonderful! To be acknowledged by someone you admire it out of this world. Thank you for sharing with us first. Can't wait for the next project!


  31. Your work is absolutely brilliant! That's just amazing, so no wonder Tim was 'blown away'...

  32. This is so well deserved and rightly so. Your creations are jaw dropping. TFS!!! :-D

  33. Oh, Laura! that is sooo exciting. You deserve his praise and so much more. Your work is truely amazing and you deserve all of the recognition. congrats.

  34. He sounds like a pround papa! You are soooo deserving. I am so happy for you!

  35. Laura~I knew you were talented...but oh my goodness! Your projects totally ROCK! Love them! congrats!!!!

  36. your super cool so say Timmy!!!! so awesome is that. thank for showing it.

  37. you so deserve the praise! Keep the great projects coming I"m having a blast learning from you!

  38. How cool is that, well done to you Laura. Praise indeed from Sir Tim himself. You must be flying high. Anita x

  39. Awesome, awesome, awesome! You must be on Cloud 9! I think some big doors are going to be opening for you now ... good luck and as Tim would say, "Enjoy the Journey!"

  40. He's just telling the world what we've already known. You are an amazing talent. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  41. How awesome is that??????
    I would play that video every day!!!!!!! lol

    So cool.
    well so are your projects. They simply were out of this world!!!!

  42. Do you believe us now. LOL

    Tim knows talent when he sees it. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

    Congratulations, Pam Davis

  43. Great job Laura! Comments like that from Tim Holtz mean the world!
    Congrats, Holly Pettengill

  44. as be said, but WOW!! You must be somewhere in the clouds =) congratulations on hard work paying off. you are truly an inspiration!

  45. Wow! Now crafters from all over know what your followers have known all along, that you are a paper and craft genius. So very happy for you, Laura.

  46. WOW Laura! That's so cool!!!
    I admire you so much!
    Hugs : )

  47. Wow, awesome!!! Isn't it nice to have your hard work appreciated? Your projects are awesome, and although I love them all, I am praying to the Gods that you will teach the sewing box—it's the only one I have even a small hope of being able to do. :) This is a fantastic interview video. Great job Laura!

  48. You so deserve this. You did an amazing job for him and your project are mind blowing. You are so talented and clever is pure joy to watch your videos. I love your ustream channel and are so happy that I found it last november. Thanks for all the inspiration.
    Gunn from Norway :0)

  49. Whoo! Omg Tim hasd a massive crush on you (and boy am i jealous!) But his words are so so well deserved.
    I remember watching one of your Ustreams where you complained about how Tim should send you free stuff and add you to his designers list, well he has finally noticed you and boy has he! You have completely rocked his world and it couldn't have gone to anyone more deserving!!

  50. How awesome is that! I'm so happy for you Laura, this is all so deserved. The projects just boggle the mind.

  51. This is so fabulous and well deserved. Kudos to Tim for acknowledging you. He loves you too!!! You are incredibly talented and thanks so much for sharing with all of us. I am a huge fan of yours and thrilled that a friend sent me the link to your blog a few weeks ago!!

  52. He would not have thought of that in a million years..WOW..Laura, you should be honored!!I'm so glad I found you on youtube!!

  53. congrats! your amazing.
    what is your new website we will be buying the patterns and kits from???

  54. Wow Laura we all know how talented you are, but it has to be so special hearing it from TIM. I just know big things are going to come of this, remember us little people when you are famous! Congratulations, Shari (cricutrookie)

  55. OMG Girl. Tim got it right on when he said you were genius!!! Uber, Uber talented. Congrats

  56. Wow! That's awesome! I watched it twice feeling all giddy inside for you. I can't even imagine- to have Tim talk about you that way! Super special! Congratulations!!!! Tricia (dboutique)

  57. Laura, I am so proud to be one of your FANS. I could see by Tim's video how totally impressed he was with your work. It was truly amazing and wonderful. I am impressed just as well with your talent. Keep it up, (if you can) Dena

  58. Laura, so did you faint when Tim said that you blew him away with your designs? Wow, you so, so deserve everything he said! I had goosebumps just listening to him talking about your awesome projects! Good for you, congratulations!

  59. It's me again. Love your USTREAM CHANNEL TOO

  60. Just put your blog on my Google Reader after seeing Noel's video. I am AMAZED! You are definitely someone to watch. I would love love love to know how you made the suitcase. Such a great idea for a travel mini book. Wow, wow, wow.

  61. I'm glad TH recognized how truly fabulous you are and was able to spread the word about your creative genius. You deserve all the praise you received and much more. I can hardly wait for the next incredible projects that you will be showing us. Sometimes I wish you would never sleep and just keep on creating. Just Kidding. You are my inspiration! Thanks so much for all or your hard work and dedication to paper crafting.

  62. woohoo...we heard straight from him how SUPER Talented you are....we already knew that. How fun to see that interview.

  63. I am so very happy to see you get such awesome accolades from Tim. So many times people seem to overlook the fact that he does have creative geniuses helping "him" out.
    I for one think your wonderful creativity and talent is boundless and endless!
    As I said the other night on Ustream...the tags that you were giving away would have been most rewarding with just your signature on them... the added bonus was having tim's on them as well.
    Way to go Laura!!

  64. Laura, I am so happy for you, your talent is awe inspiring and I'm so glad to see you get the recognition you deserve!! Tim seemed to be as blown away by your designs as we all are. I wish I had even a tiny bit of your amazing talent, you are an inspiration to all of us. Love all your You Tube and Ustream classes and tutorials!

  65. Hi Laura,

    All of us knew that you would blow Tim away and rock his world. He said that he would never have imagined this in a million years.
    We all know that you are so amazing and talented and now Tim knows. Who knows where this road will take you. I also can see you doing many projects for Tim in the future.
    Just think how many new toys you will get to play with.
    Be proud of yourself you deserve it.
    God is blessing you and your family. He knows how much you bless us.
    Big Hugs,

  66. I knew it lol, you have not seen the last of Tim!!! Not to be parcel but your stuff was the best.

  67. This is so very cool! And well deserved. Tim know the real article when he sees it and it is so nice that it is now world wide recognized.
    Hugs A Plenty,

  68. Laura: Amazing is the word that comes to mind! Your talent really shines. Love all your projects you did for Tim, but that clock blows me away! Can't wait till we get to do a clock similar. You Rock!

  69. Your so talented and creative .You're amazing .
    Those projects were very beautiful . And Tim was right you blew his mind . Well deserved girl . Take care . France aka medania.

  70. Well Laura you heard it from the top man, and rightly so, your working is dynamite, you certainly think outside the box, Congratulations on such stunning work and all the best for the future

  71. Tim is're a genius!! :D I always get excited when you post something new!!

  72. Whoa.. what wonderful comments.. Some how Ithink you will work with him again... your talent is amazing.. I wish I had 1/100 of it..

  73. Well deserved kudos for your amazing projects!!! Love all of them!!!

  74. Awesome Laura, Tim is right, you blew all our minds with what you created, you are very talented!!! Thanx for sharing this with us!!!

  75. OMG How cool was that. Congrats. I'm so glad that you and Tim found each other.

  76. OMG!! you must be on cloud nine...woohoo!! your rock! Congrats!!

  77. OMD (Oh Mon Dieu)!! Congratulations!! Did you scream when you first saw the video? I did. Three things caught my attention - one, he referred to you as a designer; two, he said you flipped his world upside down!; and three, the title of the video! You are AMAZING Laura! I am so very happy for you. ~ Hugs, Laura in Belgium

  78. Congratulations you are the best. an inspiration to us all...

    hugs from lotta in sweden

  79. Awesome! You so deserve the recognition!

  80. OMG! When you received your box of all the Ranger Products that Tim wanted you to focus on, just how did you visualize an old fashioned sewing kit, that way cool clock statue and of all things that gorgeous suitcase!? These projects even outshine your gorgeous album creations that we already love so much. Did you just amaze yourself? I have a feeling you will be getting a call from Tim and get on his design team payroll. Just remember to not forget us little people and keep sharing your wonderful scrapbooking & paper ideas. I'm a big fan. I think after spreading yourself so thin with family, Paper Trail and CHA you should take a blogging break and just relax and just have some "Laura" fun with the kids and re-charge. You really deserve it.

  81. I keep watching this video over and over again, this is so amazing... we love you Laura...

  82. Wow - you blew away Tim - that is something!!! We all knew that you were a creative genius, now the rest of the world knows aswell!!! I love all your projects but I am totally in love with the suitcase.

  83. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Laura you are so famous!!! I can say I knew you when....... You deserve every bit of kudos Sir Tim gave you. I am so proud to be part of "Following The Paper Trail", so glad I found you!! I know your going to be the next "famous" designer at CHA......2011.....look out, here comes thy infamous, Laura Dennison!!!

  84. You really deserved the Kudos Laura. AllThree of your designs were Awesome and Mind Boggling. It's funny but every Video I've watched that coverded the Ranger Booth actually showed them and many comments were made. Congratulations. Maybe one day you could share with us How You Made Them I would love to see that.
    Kind Regards,
    Bev. L........

  85. You really made some aaaamaaaazing stuff with Tim's stuff.. You soo deserved it to be in the spotlight !! You just are inspiring for a lot of us.

  86. Wow, that would have made me just so happy and excited to see him praise my things. You did an amazing job. May you have more recognition come your way and hopefully more opportunities to show yourself and the amazing person you are.

  87. Like already said ...I was blown away ..who am I to argue with Lord Tim!!!

  88. WOW..You so deserve this ..your projects are so fresh and amazing.. Congratulations !!!!!!

  89. Congrats! You impressed the master of grunde. That is awesome! Luv, luv, luv that suitcase. Do you teach a class at the Kent store on how to make that project? I'm local girl so if you do I will be there for sure.

  90. Ummmmm....holy crap! These are freakin' amazing!!! I have loved all your stuff since I found your blog, but these seriously take the cake! Awesome job!!!

  91. WOW!WOW!WOW!?U r 1 fantastic & creative woman! Wish i can pick your brain....anyways, just thankful u r sharing your inspiration with us.
    Lurrrvvveee all your creations.

    Blessings to u, Laura :)

    A Singapore Gal -Stephanie

  92. OMG! I would just die! It must feel so amazing to have Tim say those things about your owrk. You are amazing - I have been saying so forever! I am just so happy that Tim is aware of how amazing you are! Just think - you could be the next Wendy Vecchi and come out with your own line of products! Tim can open doors for you! Good luck! By the way - my nephews loved the monster story books!

  93. Beautiful work, there's no surprise in why folks are ooing and aweing... WOW! Your pieces were so DARN creative and different from everything else proud!

  94. OMG Laura. I am so excited for you. I get giddy everytime I watched a video from Tim's booth and what people said about your creations. And then to hear this one from Tim just gave me goose bumps. You are truly amazing and all your generosity is coming around two-fold. I look forward to watching your career grow. Thanks and be proud indeed!

  95. We all knew the world knows it. You are amazing! Great job! Congrats.

  96. How awesome of them, and so deserved Laura, you totally rocked those projects!!

  97. Well done Laura,you are a most talented lady

  98. WOW, you must be on cloud 9. Watch out T!m here comes LaURamazing. wonderful ideas and excellent execution. I'm going to go back and watch all your u streams. You deserve it all, you are so talented. whoot whoot

  99. Thank you so much for pushing the creative boundaries, it is so inspirational. You take Tim's products to a new hight! Can't wait to see what you do next! (NO PRESSURE NOW!)

  100. I'm sooo happy for you and will add myself to your long list of admirers...I love all your projects and wish I could be right there picking your brain...well, I will have to settle for watching your videos. You are so talented, I can hardly wait to see what you do next. I'll be sending you a personal email...

  101. Congrats! Very high praise from "The Master"! Now he knows what we have all known for quite some time. When you do come back down to earth, know that your work and the time you spend to help us is SO appreciated. Enjoy the moments!

  102. Laura you truly outdid yourself with those awesome projects! You certainly made an impression on Tim and deserve every compliment that comes your way.

  103. Laura I'm soooo happy for you, Your work is truly amazing!!!!!!

  104. I just wanted to day Kudos! I noticed those items when watching other videos from CHA and thought Tim was the genius behind those. Glad I saw this and learned a little bit more.

  105. So extremely happy and excited for you! YAY YAY YAY! May big things come your way. Just don't forget us!

  106. That was amazing. Tim was truly in awe of you and your talent. I got the chills just listening to him gush over you. If that's how I reacted, I can only imagine how you must have felt. I think you may be hearing from him again, don't you agree?!!

  107. WOW!!!!! You so deserve it! you did a wonderful job and now he is just confirming what all of us already knew. your a GREAT artist and were so proud of you!!!!

  108. holey-moley - what you created with Tim's boxes is just utterly fantastic.

  109. Laura!!! See girl, good things come to those who wait, and I really think their is more to come!! Your phone is gonna ring, your e-mail will be buzzing for more from Timmy!! just you wait and see, enjoy the ride!!!

    chuewanita, in Omaha Ne.

  110. Wow ! What else can I say. What a great video and compliment to you. Congrats!!!

  111. way to get some MAJOR props from the King Pin! :) Congrats!!!

  112. YAY Laura. We all knew how great your work is and it so cool to have Tim recognize it too. WTG girl, you rock.

  113. So amazing in every way. Congratulations, Laura! You so deserve the recognition that we all hoped for you. You have been my lifeline this past year with your creative projects. Keep them coming. I'm sure that you've not heard the last from Tim! That wink at the end was just for you, I'm sure!

  114. I'm so proud to be your follower, Laura you rock!!! you have that great gift of your creativity and you deserve the admiration of all of us, because you are so kind to share it with the world. God bless you and lets continue following the paper trail. Norma Pechir Holland

  115. Super big WOW and well done Laura. You are the best. Hope we will seesome tutorials on hoe to create some of these lovely goodies. Tim Holtze make the tools but Laura rules:)

  116. Way to go, Laura! Amazing ideas with the TH things.

  117. I knew you could do this - but in 1 1/2 weeks? with regular stuff to do, with a family needing attention, with all of us needing you for other things, WOW, I am so happy for you because your talent is being Broadcast all over and it must make you so happy. You are IN the right place at the right time finally! Thanks for sharing with all of us peons for so long, Mary Werner

  118. That is SO AWESOME Laura! Congrats!! ARE you going to do a tutorial on any of these projects? I would LOVE to learn how to do the sewing box and suitcase!

  119. You deserve all the Kudos he gave you girl! You Rock!
    Donna aka alaskacrafter

  120. Very well deserved! Congrats!

  121. You deserved all these great comments. You are very very talented!

  122. So nice to hear such kind words about your talent from TIM! But, I your "little crafters" have enjoyed your work too ;)

  123. What a great video clip! He is right, you rock everyone's world and flip it upside down with your innovative ideas. I am just in awe of how your mind works Laura!!!

  124. Laura....THE amazing Tim Holtz called you GENIUS!!!!!(He would be soooo correct sweetie!!) BeckyH:)

  125. WAY TO GO LAURA!!!!
    Have your feet touched the ground yet? Enjoy the ride m'dear, you deserve it 100%!

  126. When already so many of us love the things you make it is only deserved that an authority on scrapbooking loves it too!!! Congrats from Belgium!

  127. You are brilliant! You totally stunned him. Now he knows what we know- You Are BRILLIANT!!!
    And I think he loves you as much as we do too...Paper Pirate, Ketchikan, Alaska

  128. Wonderful beautiful items at Tim hotlz booth what a way to blow his mind with his own products all with a different eye! Amazing as always Laura!

  129. WOOHOO Laura, what a WONDERFUL honor for you, but I've known for a LONG time that you were NO ordinary crafter! Tim is smart, he knows TALENT when he sees it, for me, I knew when you did that FANTABULOUS Halloween!
    Great job and well deserved praise!

  130. I am so excited for you! You are talented and I love your pieces... you are inspiring me! Thank you!!

  131. Laura, so happy for you. I watched that video a couple of times. Can't get enuf of it. Really like your out-of-the-boxes! CONGRATULATIONS

  132. Laura, congratulations. These are all so wonderful. I've known all along how talented you are, and how generous you are in sharing your ideas with us.

  133. Congratulations, it's indeed very well deserved :) I've been watching your youtube videos and you've inspiered me to start my own minialbums :)
    Standing ovations and a million thanks for all the inspiration!!
    Smiles, thanks and applause,

  134. Something tells me this isn't the last of Tim and's just the!!
    Congratulations to a wonderful deserve a standing ovation for your projects!

  135. Congratulations! Tim Holtz was right on - you are a genius! Your work is absolutely amazing. You have a creative and imaginative mind. Keep up the great work.
    I have been watching your UStream videos for inspiration and I hope to "make" something someday when I get a bit more confidence (namely mini albums and Halloween projects). You are a great talent. You have a promising future in the papercraft industry and I want to wish you all the best!

  136. I can't add much to what everyone has said, just that I think you are brilliant. Really, amazingly, fantastically brilliant!!

  137. AWESOME! Don't underestimate yourself girl, you are BOMB! Everything timmy said....TRUE! Your a goddess in the crafting world. Keep up the awesome job. We <3 you!


  138. Woo Laura, you ARE a genious... not seen these before and they are totally awesome!!! been following your trail for a little while and doing some envelope minis... going to try something else soon, cos you inspire me!!!
    Love and light

  139. Laura, we all know you are great, but this comment from Tim I know just rocked your world. Thanks so much for sharing with us your wonderful talents. Oh to be able to work with you!

  140. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your creations are A-MAZE-ZING.


  141. You are the BEST ! ! ! You know that ? You inspire so many of us ! TY ! TY ! TY ! For all your really wonderfull work and projects that you share with us. I do a mini after the other . . all from you . . and just love it and makes other ones happy at the same time . . when they receive it ! ;-) Take care Laura !
