Tonight is the 1ST ANNUAL NEW YEARS EVE BASH!!! I am sooo excited!....I can barely contain myself!!! I know the Barrie and Carol of Scrapadabadoo.com are CRAZY excited as well!!! We are going to have so much fun! We will be making a FAST and easy project AND giving away over 100 prizes(!!!!!) Best of all, we will be enjoying the GREAT company of our scrapping friends and family....maybe even a few SURPRISES!!!
With nearly 1000 of you RSVPing, it is sure to be a bit crazy at times! Join us tonight (even if you didn't get a chance to sign up for prizes!) over on Ustream...it's easy to join in (you don't even have to register with Ustream to watch) and it's FREE!!
CLICK HERE to go directly to my Ustream Channel. It all starts at 7pm Pacific time. (Click Here for a time convertor to get the time where you are). Get there early for the best seat! (HEE! HEE!)
WHOO HOO It's time to PAR-TEE!!!!
SEE you ALL tonight!!