I am so excited to do this class with you all on Ustream. The response to this album has been a bit overwhelming! Thank you to all of you who left such nice comments!!
We will be doing this class in 2 parts....Friday night at 7pm Pacific Time and 9 am Pacific Time on Saturday. (Please note I moved the time up 1/2 an hour on Saturday, we have family plans in the afternoon and I needed some extra time! Sorry to those who are on an earlier time zone!!!)
To go directly to my Ustream Channel CLICK HERE

I will also show you a SUPER DUPER cute mini that we will do on July 2nd! I was planning it for yesterday's WUW but it was TOO PERFECT for the 4th of July, so I moved the journal to later in July and slipped this one in! It is one of my ALL TIME favorite mini's that I have designed! I won't have kits, but I will have directions for those who want to order them. I am hoping to have them up right after class on Friday.
"See" you all tomorrow!