We are going to do another Ustream tonight at 6 pm....in fact we will try to do one tomorrow night at 6pm as well. I will post videos to YouTube several times today. If I can figure out how to tweet a photo, will do that as well...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Alive at CHA....
...well sort of....I was so tired (NO sleep the night before), my camera battery died and my flip battery died...can you believe it!! Today we will have lots of photo's and video's....I am much more functional and fully charged batteries! Here's a few photo's taken with my phone!!

Arriving at the Convention Center

Barrie and Carol

More later today!!

Arriving at the Convention Center

Barrie and Carol

More later today!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
CHA Projects...
I was VERY honored wen Tim Holtz asked me to design some projects for his booth at CHA. I cleared the decks of EVERYTHING... except my family... for a week and a half. I was able to complete 3 projects.
The first picked up on the sewing theme in some of the new products to create a sewing box... the mini fits in the bottom of the box...

Next, with a more masculine flavor, was a Mantle Clock.... the mini fits behind the "leaded" doors at the bottom

Lastly, I HAD to make a vintage valaise!... in the mini, I used photo's from my bother's safari trip to South Africa....

I had SOOOO much fun making these projects. Each of them used Tim's Configurations boxes for the base. As I told him in one email....I like to think outside the box...cuz I want use the box to make something!
I will video and photograph the projects in the booth and post them here on the blog and on YouTube. See you tonight!
Heritage Kit Clarifications
I have heard from many of you that you have received your kit in the mail! YEA!! There have been several questions regarding the pattern not being in the kit!! I ALWAYS send the patterns/instructions via email. This pattern is unique in that it will be in 6 parts, just like the class. You will receive that instructions for each class a minimum of 5 days prior to the class. I am finishing up the first part today and I am planning to email them out over the weekend. I will also be posting the patterns on my Etsy Store today for those who want the pattern only. I am in the process setting up a special mailbox with everyone who orders a kit or pattern in the mailbox so that I can send out to everyone at once rather than sending out 200+ individual emails. I apologize that this is taking longer than I had hoped...this is a new type of class for me on Ustream and figuring the logistics for both the volume and the time frame has a learning curve! When we do the second one in July, it will be all figured out!
My head is on the verge of exploding I swear! Between getting this project off the ground, the kits for Flora and Fauna and the Valentines project, getting ready for CHA, packing, and giving a bit of extra attention to my family....aaaauuuggggh! Sitting still for the 2 1/2 hour flight is going to be soooo welcome!!
Can't believe the reaction to my HAIR!! Didn't even think anyone would notice when I changed the picture. All I did was get the ends and bags trimmed (no new color...same old, same old....just looks brighter when my hair is smoooooth!). The stylist asked if I wanted it flat ironed. Sure...never did that before...lets give it a whirl... WHERE HAS THIS DEVICE BEEN ALL MY LIFE!!! For someone who has had a love/hate relationship with her wavy/curly hair her entire life....getting rid of the frizzz....OMG! I now own my own flat iron...next trick?....can I do it myself?!?
See you tonight!
My head is on the verge of exploding I swear! Between getting this project off the ground, the kits for Flora and Fauna and the Valentines project, getting ready for CHA, packing, and giving a bit of extra attention to my family....aaaauuuggggh! Sitting still for the 2 1/2 hour flight is going to be soooo welcome!!
Can't believe the reaction to my HAIR!! Didn't even think anyone would notice when I changed the picture. All I did was get the ends and bags trimmed (no new color...same old, same old....just looks brighter when my hair is smoooooth!). The stylist asked if I wanted it flat ironed. Sure...never did that before...lets give it a whirl... WHERE HAS THIS DEVICE BEEN ALL MY LIFE!!! For someone who has had a love/hate relationship with her wavy/curly hair her entire life....getting rid of the frizzz....OMG! I now own my own flat iron...next trick?....can I do it myself?!?
See you tonight!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Runnin' in circles...
...trying to get a million things done!! Why do all the little things take soooooo long to do?!
The Flora Fauna kits ordered so far will go out tomorrow. I am finishing up the sample for the Love Notes Box and the kits will go up tomorrow. They will ship after I get back. I am also working on the first part of the Heritage album pattern. The pattern will be available for orders late tomorrow... I will be putting it up on Etsy. They will go out via email.... hopefully by Friday. Remember, the kits include the pattern so if you ordered a kit, don't order the pattern! I am taking my laptop with me so I can work in the evenings.
I am waaaaay behind on the "weekly" post cards... best laid plans....
I have joined the 21st century and am now on Twitter!!!...I think....yea, I am... Hoping to send tweets from the floor at CHA. Photo's videos, tweets... need to fit in working while we are there somewhere!!! this trip isn't just for fun... we are there to work! Ha! Ha! Here is my twitter name/address/whatever it is called... at least I think it's what it is: @lauraddenison ... had to add my middle initial cuz there was already a Laura Denison... the nerve!!
We are doing a quick class on Friday, making jewelry from paper and embellishments. Starts at 7pm Pacific.
See you all Friday!!
The Flora Fauna kits ordered so far will go out tomorrow. I am finishing up the sample for the Love Notes Box and the kits will go up tomorrow. They will ship after I get back. I am also working on the first part of the Heritage album pattern. The pattern will be available for orders late tomorrow... I will be putting it up on Etsy. They will go out via email.... hopefully by Friday. Remember, the kits include the pattern so if you ordered a kit, don't order the pattern! I am taking my laptop with me so I can work in the evenings.
I am waaaaay behind on the "weekly" post cards... best laid plans....
I have joined the 21st century and am now on Twitter!!!...I think....yea, I am... Hoping to send tweets from the floor at CHA. Photo's videos, tweets... need to fit in working while we are there somewhere!!! this trip isn't just for fun... we are there to work! Ha! Ha! Here is my twitter name/address/whatever it is called... at least I think it's what it is: @lauraddenison ... had to add my middle initial cuz there was already a Laura Denison... the nerve!!
We are doing a quick class on Friday, making jewelry from paper and embellishments. Starts at 7pm Pacific.
See you all Friday!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Flora and Fauna Kits
Here are the kits for the Flora and Fauna Mini Album that we will be making on February 18th and 19th.

I will try to get kits shipped out before I go to CHA on Saturday morning....they may ship out on Wednesday of next week when I return. The patterns will be available next week. (The pattern IS INCLUDED with the kit and is sent electronically via PDF).

I will try to get kits shipped out before I go to CHA on Saturday morning....they may ship out on Wednesday of next week when I return. The patterns will be available next week. (The pattern IS INCLUDED with the kit and is sent electronically via PDF).
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Heritage kits are ready to go!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Fabric Roses...
...Here are the flowers we will be making on Ustream this morning (or afternoon... or evening... depends on where you are!) Yesterday we made a little fabric album so today we will be embellishing it wit some fabric flowers. Class was originally going to be just an hour since my son had an appointment, he desperately wants to go to his hockey game and so I am rescheduling his appointment and we get to play longer!!!

These are soooo much fun to make! If you can't be there in person,I will be recording so you can watch later! Click on the ustream logo to the right to go directly to my ustream channel.

These are soooo much fun to make! If you can't be there in person,I will be recording so you can watch later! Click on the ustream logo to the right to go directly to my ustream channel.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Whew! They are outa here!!...
The projects that I made for Tim Holtz Ideology booth are on their way to California! After I cleaned up my work space this morning (it looked like a paper tornado had hit!!), it all had a bit of a surreal quality. I can't wait to post the projects...I got 3 done...on Saturday, Jan 29th. I had hoped to make video's to post later before I shipped them out, but ran out of time, so I will make videos from the booth to post for you all. Now that they are done, I can get excited to head to LA myself!!
I will get to meet Tim while I am there, but I am just as excited to finally meet Barrie from Scrapadabado! I fly down with Carol and we meet up with Barrie at the airport (she flies in from Maui). Barrie has become a very dear friend...yet we have never met in person. I keep telling her I don't know if I can talk to her face to face...I may need to use my phone!!
I hope you all can join me tonight for a fun Ustream show! As most of you know, I have been a quilter for the past 15 years and only switched to paper about a year and a half ago. I have a studio FILLED with fabric!! I know many of you are cross-crafters as well. Let's pull out our fabric scraps and incorporate them into our scrap booking!! The show will start at 7pm Pacific. Click on the Ustream logo on the sidebar to go directly to my ustream channel. I will be doing a short part 2 tomorrow. I need to move it up to 9am Pacific and it will last about an hour. (Trev has a dcotor appt. so I need to shorten the class). Hope to see you all tonight!
I will get to meet Tim while I am there, but I am just as excited to finally meet Barrie from Scrapadabado! I fly down with Carol and we meet up with Barrie at the airport (she flies in from Maui). Barrie has become a very dear friend...yet we have never met in person. I keep telling her I don't know if I can talk to her face to face...I may need to use my phone!!
I hope you all can join me tonight for a fun Ustream show! As most of you know, I have been a quilter for the past 15 years and only switched to paper about a year and a half ago. I have a studio FILLED with fabric!! I know many of you are cross-crafters as well. Let's pull out our fabric scraps and incorporate them into our scrap booking!! The show will start at 7pm Pacific. Click on the Ustream logo on the sidebar to go directly to my ustream channel. I will be doing a short part 2 tomorrow. I need to move it up to 9am Pacific and it will last about an hour. (Trev has a dcotor appt. so I need to shorten the class). Hope to see you all tonight!
Monday, January 17, 2011
RUN, don't walk...
...over to Tim's blog! He has the new Ideology stuff up! The last item, the Kraft Glassine, is my ABSOLUTE all time favorite product...ever! It is BEYOND cool to work with!! It is like a cameleon... it just "goes" with whatever you do with it!! Trust me you will want to get this and LOTS of it!! And the new paper... well... it just makes me swoon!
So, quick, CLICK HERE to go straight to Tim's blog!...
So, quick, CLICK HERE to go straight to Tim's blog!...
Okay, I have to cry "Uncle"....I am going to move the Flora and Fauna project to after the Valentines project in Feb. I have been working hard to get the kits for the Heritage Albums ready to ship (I have a friend helping me) while working on the projects for Tim Holtz for CHA and it has been going well.
The Flora and Fauna class was scheduled for this next weekend. The kits are nearly ready and I had planned to put them up on Etsy over the weekend. However, I can't carve out the time to get the Flora and Fauna pattern written in time for a class on Friday....at least not up to my quality standards...so I would rather move the class. The mini has a variety of page and tag styles, thus the pattern is a bit more involved than some of the others. The kits will still go up today or tomorrow but the class will slide a couple of weeks. This way everyone gets their kit before class and I can breathe! So, I will move the fabric mini class to this weekend and do a quick "Jewelry from Scraps" class on the Friday before CHA. .
Moving the schedule around helps me out a ton! I was starting to stress big time! This way I can spend some time with the kids before I leave and I can get the samples done and the kits for the Heritage, Flora and Fauna, and the Valentine's project, "Romantique Box for your Love Notes", done and all the kits shipped out before I leave for CHA
In the future, each month, I am planning to have 2 project classes with kits, 1 technique class (which may or may not have a pattern) and the Page of the Month class. I can't wait to see all the new goodies at CHA and plan future projects!!
I am overnighting the projects I have been working on to Tim on Thursday morning this week. I am dying to show them to you all! I believe they are truly some of my best work. I will post photo's on the morning of the 29th (there is WIFI at the Convention Center!!)
I know you will all understand my need to flex my schedule. I think this is the best solution for everyone. I only like to put my kits and patterns out there for you when they meet my standards. This way everyone can get their kit in time and I can give you all a quality product and a quality class.
Have an awesome week!!
The Flora and Fauna class was scheduled for this next weekend. The kits are nearly ready and I had planned to put them up on Etsy over the weekend. However, I can't carve out the time to get the Flora and Fauna pattern written in time for a class on Friday....at least not up to my quality standards...so I would rather move the class. The mini has a variety of page and tag styles, thus the pattern is a bit more involved than some of the others. The kits will still go up today or tomorrow but the class will slide a couple of weeks. This way everyone gets their kit before class and I can breathe! So, I will move the fabric mini class to this weekend and do a quick "Jewelry from Scraps" class on the Friday before CHA. .
Moving the schedule around helps me out a ton! I was starting to stress big time! This way I can spend some time with the kids before I leave and I can get the samples done and the kits for the Heritage, Flora and Fauna, and the Valentine's project, "Romantique Box for your Love Notes", done and all the kits shipped out before I leave for CHA
In the future, each month, I am planning to have 2 project classes with kits, 1 technique class (which may or may not have a pattern) and the Page of the Month class. I can't wait to see all the new goodies at CHA and plan future projects!!
I am overnighting the projects I have been working on to Tim on Thursday morning this week. I am dying to show them to you all! I believe they are truly some of my best work. I will post photo's on the morning of the 29th (there is WIFI at the Convention Center!!)
I know you will all understand my need to flex my schedule. I think this is the best solution for everyone. I only like to put my kits and patterns out there for you when they meet my standards. This way everyone can get their kit in time and I can give you all a quality product and a quality class.
Have an awesome week!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Heritage Kits info!
We finally have the materials for the additional kits on the way! I don't like to do pre-orders typically and I REALLY don't like to do pre-orders until I know that I have everything for the kits on the way. I will send Paypal invoices out to all who are on the waiting list and post the remaining kits here on the blog by Noon my time. I am hoping to get these additional kits out along with the first batch in time for class for those here in the US.
I am hard at work on my "Tim stuff"...it is going well. Dying to show to someone...anyone...but I can't. You will all just have to wait. I think it is some of my best work. I will post on the blog from CHA along with a Youtube video.
I lost yesterday morning taking Trevor to the doctor for a kidney ultrasound. He had been complaining of back pain in the kidney area for a few days. My Mom has only one kidney, so a don't mess around with it. Don't think it is anything serious, but I am thoroughly sick of doctor visits!!!
I will take a break later today and post the latest "Love Notes" Post Card. Don't forget that we will be having a Ustream class tomorrow night. I will be showing you how to make medallions using your corner punches. The show is at 7pm Pacific time.
That's my update for today. Back to work.....
I am hard at work on my "Tim stuff"...it is going well. Dying to show to someone...anyone...but I can't. You will all just have to wait. I think it is some of my best work. I will post on the blog from CHA along with a Youtube video.
I lost yesterday morning taking Trevor to the doctor for a kidney ultrasound. He had been complaining of back pain in the kidney area for a few days. My Mom has only one kidney, so a don't mess around with it. Don't think it is anything serious, but I am thoroughly sick of doctor visits!!!
I will take a break later today and post the latest "Love Notes" Post Card. Don't forget that we will be having a Ustream class tomorrow night. I will be showing you how to make medallions using your corner punches. The show is at 7pm Pacific time.
That's my update for today. Back to work.....
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Just a quick note on the Heritage albums...
First this tomorrow morning, we are calling Basic Grey to make sure we can get more of the Curio paper. If we can, I am planning to make up 42 more of the Heritage album kits. The rest of the embellishments and the Punky Sprouts albums should be no problem. If you are seriously interested in getting on the waiting list for one of these additional kits (they will have all of the same materials), send me an email at quiltedbaglady@aol.com and I will add you to the list. I will give everyone on the list the first chance at the new batch and then post them. I will do my best to get the kits out prior to the first class.
The patterns will go up on Jan 22nd-ish...on the new website.
PS ....the momentary panic has passed and I am in the zone!!!.....
The patterns will go up on Jan 22nd-ish...on the new website.
PS ....the momentary panic has passed and I am in the zone!!!.....
Just jump already...
I spent this week clearing the decks of obligations, rushing to get product ordered for upcoming kits, finishing samples, and cleaning the house ...oops, didn't get to that one!
Here's just PART of the stuff for the Page of the Month kits....

All of the scurrying, working late, and phone calls was in anticipation of this moment....actually starting on the projects I am designing for Tim Holtz at CHA. (just writing that sends a shiver down my spine!) I have been thinking and planning and engineering in my head all week. When the new product arrived, I was not disappointed. Now really, would I be? Come on this is tim - demigod of all things paper crafting - holtz!
On Saturday, I spent the morning at the Scrapbook Nook (the local shop where I teach) for their new quarter open house. Afterward, Mom, Sarah and I had to run a few errands (geez, errands take FOREVER don't they!!) When I got home, it was TIME. I could start!
Okay, wait, a better straighten up a bit, it will be easier to work with a clean desk....
Two hours later, I had a straightened desk and a cleared work table. The product for upcoming kits was on the shelves and organized. My "tim" drawer was even organized...hmmm.....I will never find anything in there now....better go mess it up....
Laura, you are stalling....

(Ready to work....No "I Spy" needed here, the new stuff is NOT in the picture... maybe I should have emptied the trash BEFORE I took the photo...)
I should vacuum...Trev! Can you haul the vacuum upstairs for Mom?...Wait, now I think I need the shop vac... Trev!....
Laura you are stalling....
Do we have any Magic Erasers? I need to clean of this work matte....No? Maybe I should run out and get one....
Laura, you are stalling...
What if I am missing one of tim's products...I better check...I may need to make a run back to Scrapbook Nook...no, I think I pretty much have everything he has ever put on the market (plus the new stuff...)...but what if I need two of something?.... hmmm.... I am missing 4 of the Distress Ink colors.....
Laura you are stalling....
What are we going to have for dinner? Should I run to the store now....or take a break later...
Laura, you are stalling....
What about the laundry? do the kids have clean clothes for school tomorrow? Oh....my sweet hubby did the laundry yesterday while I was out...(I think I'll keep him!!...)
Laura, you are stalling....
Doesn't the downstairs bathroom need to be cleaned?.....
Okay, Laura now you are REALLY stalling.....
One last look thru my tim stamp sets.... I feeling a gentle warm sensation that starts and the top of my head and gently flows down my body. This many times happens when I need it most. I call it "hugs from heaven" and I know it is my Dad letting me know he is with me. At that moment, this set of stamps was in my hand....

Thank you Daddy....
I am ready to start now.
Here's just PART of the stuff for the Page of the Month kits....

All of the scurrying, working late, and phone calls was in anticipation of this moment....actually starting on the projects I am designing for Tim Holtz at CHA. (just writing that sends a shiver down my spine!) I have been thinking and planning and engineering in my head all week. When the new product arrived, I was not disappointed. Now really, would I be? Come on this is tim - demigod of all things paper crafting - holtz!
On Saturday, I spent the morning at the Scrapbook Nook (the local shop where I teach) for their new quarter open house. Afterward, Mom, Sarah and I had to run a few errands (geez, errands take FOREVER don't they!!) When I got home, it was TIME. I could start!
Okay, wait, a better straighten up a bit, it will be easier to work with a clean desk....
Two hours later, I had a straightened desk and a cleared work table. The product for upcoming kits was on the shelves and organized. My "tim" drawer was even organized...hmmm.....I will never find anything in there now....better go mess it up....
Laura, you are stalling....

(Ready to work....No "I Spy" needed here, the new stuff is NOT in the picture... maybe I should have emptied the trash BEFORE I took the photo...)
I should vacuum...Trev! Can you haul the vacuum upstairs for Mom?...Wait, now I think I need the shop vac... Trev!....
Laura you are stalling....
Do we have any Magic Erasers? I need to clean of this work matte....No? Maybe I should run out and get one....
Laura, you are stalling...
What if I am missing one of tim's products...I better check...I may need to make a run back to Scrapbook Nook...no, I think I pretty much have everything he has ever put on the market (plus the new stuff...)...but what if I need two of something?.... hmmm.... I am missing 4 of the Distress Ink colors.....
Laura you are stalling....
What are we going to have for dinner? Should I run to the store now....or take a break later...
Laura, you are stalling....
What about the laundry? do the kids have clean clothes for school tomorrow? Oh....my sweet hubby did the laundry yesterday while I was out...(I think I'll keep him!!...)
Laura, you are stalling....
Doesn't the downstairs bathroom need to be cleaned?.....
Okay, Laura now you are REALLY stalling.....
One last look thru my tim stamp sets.... I feeling a gentle warm sensation that starts and the top of my head and gently flows down my body. This many times happens when I need it most. I call it "hugs from heaven" and I know it is my Dad letting me know he is with me. At that moment, this set of stamps was in my hand....

Thank you Daddy....
I am ready to start now.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Love Notes!
Last nights Ustream class was so much fun. We kicked off my Love Notes Valentine Post Card project. Each Wednesday, I will post a video on Youtube showing a new post card filled with different techniques and embellishments. On the Feb 11th and 12th Ustream show we will make a beautiful, romantic victorian style box to hold all of our Love Notes Postcards. I will have kits available as soon as the materials arrive. The kits will have all the papers you need for the entire project, including the postcards. It will include the embellishments for the box only. So, gather your lace and ribbon, flowers and charms and make some romantic Love Notes of your own!

For those who watched the show last night, I fixed the postcard that I embellished upside down, and look...it's now "weighted" on the right!!
Have a great week!!

For those who watched the show last night, I fixed the postcard that I embellished upside down, and look...it's now "weighted" on the right!!
Have a great week!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Ustream Tonight!
YES, there is a Ustream show TONIGHT! We will be starting on the Valentine project I have in the works. I will have more details later this afternoon....along with a tiny little peek.....
If you want to work along...think romance when gathering goodies.... lace, flowers, doilies, ribbon....I will be working in soft pinks and aqua along with white and cream.
So, check in later this afternoon for more of the details. To go straight to my Ustream channel, click on the Ustream logo on the sidebar here on the blog.
If you want to work along...think romance when gathering goodies.... lace, flowers, doilies, ribbon....I will be working in soft pinks and aqua along with white and cream.
So, check in later this afternoon for more of the details. To go straight to my Ustream channel, click on the Ustream logo on the sidebar here on the blog.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Heritage Album (AKA the Page of the Month Album)
Okay gang...here's the scoop!
I have moved the 1st class of the Heritage album to the first weekend in February (Feb 4/5) in order to free up some time for CHA projects. Fortunately, we have been working about a month ahead so I can keep things on track. I do still need to get the product ordered this week so that kits can ship out before CHA at the end of January. The second class will be on February 18/19 and will continue thru June on the 3rd Friday & Saturday of the month.
The plan for the class is to take you thru an entire page or pages of the mini, from selecting your paper thru embellishing it each class. There will be a class both Friday night and Saturday morning. The classes will cover the same page(s) of the album but the Saturday class will show how you can use the exact same materials and embellishments but can make the album look very different...such as vintage vs. contemporary or masculine/feminine, etc.
I will have the kits available for PRE-ORDER here on my blog (NOT ON ETSY, I am beginning the transition for Etsy to my new Website). The kits will be $75 + domestic shipping and will include the 6 part Instructions. You will have the option to pay in full or put down a deposit of $35 + domestic shipping. Those who choose the deposit method will be Paypal invoiced for the remainder prior to shipment. Kits paid in full will ship first and the deposited kits will ship upon receipt of the balance. International buyers will be charged the additional international shipping via Paypal invoice prior to shipment. The plan is for kits will begin shipping on January 24.
The kits will include, at a minimum, what is shown in the photo. There are additional items that will be added and there may be minor substitutions subject to availability of product. I have 100 kits available for pre-order. If there is demand for additional kits I will add more, dependent on product availability.

I will also have patterns available for those who wish to use their own papers and embellishments. The pattern will be in 6 parts with a one time payment of $15.00. Each part will be emailed out a week prior to the class so that you have time to gather your materials for class. The pattern in its entirety will not be available until after the last class in June. If you purchase the pattern after the series has started, you will receive all parts available prior to when you ordered. The first section will available on my new website at least a week prior to the first class.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
I have moved the 1st class of the Heritage album to the first weekend in February (Feb 4/5) in order to free up some time for CHA projects. Fortunately, we have been working about a month ahead so I can keep things on track. I do still need to get the product ordered this week so that kits can ship out before CHA at the end of January. The second class will be on February 18/19 and will continue thru June on the 3rd Friday & Saturday of the month.
The plan for the class is to take you thru an entire page or pages of the mini, from selecting your paper thru embellishing it each class. There will be a class both Friday night and Saturday morning. The classes will cover the same page(s) of the album but the Saturday class will show how you can use the exact same materials and embellishments but can make the album look very different...such as vintage vs. contemporary or masculine/feminine, etc.
I will have the kits available for PRE-ORDER here on my blog (NOT ON ETSY, I am beginning the transition for Etsy to my new Website). The kits will be $75 + domestic shipping and will include the 6 part Instructions. You will have the option to pay in full or put down a deposit of $35 + domestic shipping. Those who choose the deposit method will be Paypal invoiced for the remainder prior to shipment. Kits paid in full will ship first and the deposited kits will ship upon receipt of the balance. International buyers will be charged the additional international shipping via Paypal invoice prior to shipment. The plan is for kits will begin shipping on January 24.
The kits will include, at a minimum, what is shown in the photo. There are additional items that will be added and there may be minor substitutions subject to availability of product. I have 100 kits available for pre-order. If there is demand for additional kits I will add more, dependent on product availability.

I will also have patterns available for those who wish to use their own papers and embellishments. The pattern will be in 6 parts with a one time payment of $15.00. Each part will be emailed out a week prior to the class so that you have time to gather your materials for class. The pattern in its entirety will not be available until after the last class in June. If you purchase the pattern after the series has started, you will receive all parts available prior to when you ordered. The first section will available on my new website at least a week prior to the first class.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I am so EXCITED to share some INCREDIBLE news with all of you!!!
Tim Holtz has asked me to design some projects for him for his booth at CHA later this month...
this month...
as in just a couple of weeks!
Of course I said no...HA! Are you kidding! I was screaming YES at the computer so loud that I am sure he could hear me all the way in ARIZONA! I am SO honored to have him ask me! I truly admire not only his immense creativity and his amazing products, but I also admire how he runs his business and and his teaching! I can't share what I am designing until after CHA but rest assured, I will be pulling out all the stops!
I am still planning all the projects for Ustream, Youtube, and the kits that I had planned for this month (Thank goodness we have been working and planning in advance!!). The Page of the Month class is still scheduled, however I am going to move the first class of the series to the weekend (Feb 4/5) after CHA in order to free up time to work on the stuff for T!m. I will have a post here on the blog with the details tomorrow. The kits will still go up for PRE-ORDER tomorrow as well.
Lastly, I have posted the winners of the Laura's Favorite Things on my side blog. I have your shipping info if you have ordered a pattern or kit from me in the past. If not, please email me with your shipping info. The winners of the prizes from Scrapadabadoo.com are posted on their blog. It is a ridiculously LONG list so CLICK HERE to go to their blog for the list of winners.
I don't think my feet are going to hit the ground for months!! I am so excited I am about to burst!! Once again, thank you to all of you for supporting and encouraging me! Come fly with me....it's going to be a blast!
Tim Holtz has asked me to design some projects for him for his booth at CHA later this month...
this month...
as in just a couple of weeks!
Of course I said no...HA! Are you kidding! I was screaming YES at the computer so loud that I am sure he could hear me all the way in ARIZONA! I am SO honored to have him ask me! I truly admire not only his immense creativity and his amazing products, but I also admire how he runs his business and and his teaching! I can't share what I am designing until after CHA but rest assured, I will be pulling out all the stops!
I am still planning all the projects for Ustream, Youtube, and the kits that I had planned for this month (Thank goodness we have been working and planning in advance!!). The Page of the Month class is still scheduled, however I am going to move the first class of the series to the weekend (Feb 4/5) after CHA in order to free up time to work on the stuff for T!m. I will have a post here on the blog with the details tomorrow. The kits will still go up for PRE-ORDER tomorrow as well.
Lastly, I have posted the winners of the Laura's Favorite Things on my side blog. I have your shipping info if you have ordered a pattern or kit from me in the past. If not, please email me with your shipping info. The winners of the prizes from Scrapadabadoo.com are posted on their blog. It is a ridiculously LONG list so CLICK HERE to go to their blog for the list of winners.
I don't think my feet are going to hit the ground for months!! I am so excited I am about to burst!! Once again, thank you to all of you for supporting and encouraging me! Come fly with me....it's going to be a blast!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year to all!!
WOW!! That's is only word to describe the 1st Annual New Years Eve Bash!
I am so overwhelmed by the show last night!! At one point we had 2037 logged in....it was crazy!!! I finally came down from the high of excitement at about 2 this afternoon! I wish I could have kept up with the chat a bit better, but it was screaming along. A special thank you goes out to Tim Holtz for stopping in and hanging out for a bit!!
It was so much fun giving away all the prizes...congrats to everyone who won. Scrapadabadoo and I will be posting the list of winners sometime tomorrow (with 100 prizes from Scrapadabadoo its taking a bit to type up!!) I have posted the winners of my Favorite Things giveaway on the blog sidebar. (If you have ordered a pattern or kit from me, I have your shipping info...if you have not ordered from me, please email me with you shipping address at quiltedbaglady@aol.com.)
I am sooo excited with everything I am planning for 2011! Fasten your seat belts, we are going to have a blast!!
As I talked about last night, I truly feel as if I have best friends all over the world! May the new year bring everyone good health and days filled with prosperity and creativity!!
I am so overwhelmed by the show last night!! At one point we had 2037 logged in....it was crazy!!! I finally came down from the high of excitement at about 2 this afternoon! I wish I could have kept up with the chat a bit better, but it was screaming along. A special thank you goes out to Tim Holtz for stopping in and hanging out for a bit!!
It was so much fun giving away all the prizes...congrats to everyone who won. Scrapadabadoo and I will be posting the list of winners sometime tomorrow (with 100 prizes from Scrapadabadoo its taking a bit to type up!!) I have posted the winners of my Favorite Things giveaway on the blog sidebar. (If you have ordered a pattern or kit from me, I have your shipping info...if you have not ordered from me, please email me with you shipping address at quiltedbaglady@aol.com.)
I am sooo excited with everything I am planning for 2011! Fasten your seat belts, we are going to have a blast!!
As I talked about last night, I truly feel as if I have best friends all over the world! May the new year bring everyone good health and days filled with prosperity and creativity!!
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